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Ramon Arcusa: Caniones De Oro Del Duo Dinamico - Volume 1 (PVG): Piano, Vocal And Guitar

Artist Songbook | Sheet Music and Books

ARTIST: Ramon Arcusa
PUBLISHER: Nueva Carisch España
INSTRUMENTATION: Piano, Vocal and Guitar
PRODUCT FORMAT: Artist Songbook
11 songs from the dynamic duo, arranged for Piano, Voice and Guitar, including Ala Hula Rock, Amor amargo, Balada gitana,Como ayer and La la la .
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Artist Ramon Arcusa
Publisher Nueva Carisch España
Instrumentation Piano, Vocal and Guitar
Number of pages 48
Product Format Artist Songbook
Description Product Type Book [Softcover]
Genre Latin
Style Spanish
ISBN 9788850700417
Series Lo Mejor
No. CARML2153
11 songs from the dynamic duo, arranged for Piano, Voice and Guitar, including Ala Hula Rock, Amor amargo, Balada gitana,Como ayer and La la la.
Song List
  • 1. Ala Hula Rock
  • 2. Amor Amargo
  • 3. Balada Gitana
  • 4. Como Ayer
  • 5. Esos Ojitos Negros
  • 6. La la la
  • 7. Lo Espanol
  • 8. Mari Carmen
  • 9. Noches De Moscu
  • 10. Quince Anos Tiene Mi Amor
  • 11. Somos Jovenes