On Becoming A Conductor
Lessons And Meditations On The Art Of Conducting
Frank L. Battisti
Meredith Music
This incredible book by one of the world's foremost authorities on conducting contains no conducting patterns, and no advice on how to conduct any piece. Instead, it focuses on the skills, knowledge and experiences needed to become and function as a conductor-teacher.
Author | Frank L. Battisti |
Publisher | Meredith Music |
Number of pages | 184 |
Product Format | Book |
Description Product Type | Book [Softcover] |
Genre | Conducting |
ISBN | 9781574630862 |
UPC | 884088201074 |
Series | Meredith Music Resource |
No. | HL00317171 |
This incredible book by one of the world's foremost authorities on conducting contains no conducting patterns, and no advice on how to conduct any piece. Instead, it focuses on the skills, knowledge and experiences needed to become and function as a conductor-teacher.
Song List
1. Part 1 Personal Characteristics: Essential Knowledge,Skills,Experiences,And Work Ethic/Mentor/Models
2. Part1 Chapter1 Personal Characteristics And Essential Knowledge,Skills,Experiences
3. Part1 Chapter2 Dedication,Work Ethic,And Models/Mentors
4. Part2 Selecting Literature/Programming-Reading,Studying,And Marking The Score
5. Part2 Chapter3 Selecting Literature And Programming
6. Part2 Chapter4 Skills Needed For Reading And Inner Hearing What's In A Score
7. Part2 Chapter5 Score Study
8. Part2 Chapter6 Marking The Score
9. Part 3 Realizing The Music-Role Of Integrity,Imagination,And Emotion
10. Part3 Chapter7 Interpretation/Realization
11. Part 4 Creativity And Imagination-Cunducting Technique,Conduvtor/Player Relationship,Leadership
12. Part4 Chapter8 Conductor's Creativity And Imagination
13. Part4 Chapter9 Cunducting Technique-Gestures Of Expression
14. Part4 Chapter10 Conductor/Player Relationship-The Art Of Collaboration
15. Part4 Chapter11 Leadership